7 Essential Tips to Prevent Vandalism on Your Campervan

This week started in the world on Vanlifewithluci with abit of heartbreak.

Here is a little background around the theme of this weeks blog. After visiting my granny and parking outside her home this week. I returned to the van to find ALL FOUR tyres flat. Thinking and hoping it may have been silly people who thought it would be funny to let them down I checked to the tyres to see the caps still on the valves. My heart began to sink as I noticed very small needle like puncture marks in the walls of the tyres and realised they had been stabbed.

By this time, looking like a crazed and disheveled lady I stood in the road looking my little van completely stranded. Kind neighbours came out of their 3 bedroom homes to share similar stories of woe that criminal activity like this is not unheard of in this street and they themselves had had tyres slashed, or paint thrown onto their driveways and homes. It upsets me most to think of how for my 89 year old grandma this does not seem a safe environment.

Taking things into my hands I began to ring around for tyre replacements and rough myself a new set of 4 tyres, was recovered to a local garage next to the workshop where I have building the van. The tyres had to delivered so I took a few possessions out that I have already moved in and began to walk to a place to stay for the night. I had to cancel on my roadtrip down to cambridgeshire this week however, ill look forward to re arranging that adventure and sharing it with you all another time.

laying in bed last night I couldn’t help but wander could anything I have done be different to improve my chances of something like this happening again?

So here’s my little 7 steps of safety in hindsight that I will now be following to make me feel a little safer travelling in the van especially at night. Owning a campervan provides a great sense of freedom and adventure. However, one concern that campervan owners face is the risk of vandalism which I have felt the sting of this week. Protecting your campervan from acts of vandalism not only safeguards your property, but also ensures your peace of mind during your travels and thats why I wanted to share a few things ill be doing to make me feel a bit safer. In this blog article, we will discuss seven essential tips to help you avoid vandalism and keep your campervan safe and secure.

  1. Choose Secure Parking:
    Selecting the right parking location is crucial in preventing vandalism. Opt for well-lit areas, preferably with surveillance cameras, where other campervans or vehicles are present. Public campgrounds, monitored RV parks, or secure storage facilities are excellent options that offer peace of mind.
  2. Install Security Measures:
    Investing in security measures significantly reduces the risk of vandalism. Install an alarm system, motion-activated lights, and sturdy locks on all doors and windows. Consider using a steering wheel lock or a wheel clamp to deter thieves. Visible security measures act as a deterrent and make your campervan less appealing to potential vandals. I will also be installing cameras on my van ASAP!
  3. Be Mindful of Your Surroundings:
    When choosing a spot to park, observe the surroundings. Avoid parking near areas that could attract vandals, such as secluded spots, rough neighborhoods, or places with a history of vandalism. Park in well-traveled areas where there is a higher chance of witnesses in case of any suspicious activity.
  4. Use Window Coverings:
    One effective way to deter vandals is to use window coverings that prevent outsiders from peering inside your campervan. Curtains, blinds, or tinted windows not only provide privacy but also make it difficult for vandals to see valuable items or potential targets inside the vehicle.
  5. Maintain a Clean and Low-Profile Exterior:
    A clean and well-maintained campervan gives the impression of an actively used vehicle, reducing the chances of vandalism. Avoid displaying flashy accessories or expensive equipment that might attract unwanted attention. Keeping a low-profile exterior makes your campervan blend in with the surroundings, making it less likely to be targeted. Don’t post on social media your live whereabout or be careful showing surroundings if you don’t want to announce you locations.
  6. Engage with Fellow Campers:
    Establishing connections with fellow campers can create a sense of community and increase the security of your campervan. Interacting with other campers allows you to keep an eye out for each other’s vehicles. Join online forums or social media groups to exchange tips and information on safe parking spots or any recent incidents.
  7. Purchase Comprehensive Insurance:
    While prevention is key, having comprehensive insurance coverage is essential for any unexpected incidents, including vandalism. Ensure that your campervan insurance covers vandalism and offers adequate protection for your vehicle and its contents. Review your policy regularly to make sure it meets your specific needs and ensure there is no hidden excess premiums if vandalism does occur.

Protecting your campervan from vandalism requires a proactive approach and a combination of preventive measures. By choosing secure parking, installing security measures, being mindful of your surroundings, using window coverings, maintaining a low-profile exterior, engaging with fellow campers, and having comprehensive insurance, you can significantly reduce the risk of vandalism and enjoy worry-free travels in your beloved campervan. Stay vigilant, stay safe, and embrace the joys of exploring the world on wheels!

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