Why give up your life to live in a van?

Over the past there has been a lot of change and I’ve been asked this question so many times I could have brought another van by now!

Here’s my honest answer to a simple question why stop your life as you know it to move into a metal box on wheels?

For me it wasn’t so dramatic as all that. I had been living in vans part time for years with hoildays and travelling periods of 1-4 months at a time. I had gone part time teaching so travel more out of a van doing placements as a supply teacher and short term management roles. I kept photography jobs on the side like weddings and events to roll in extra money for these trips and pay for a house and a van! So to give up an expense of a house felt like a relief, a pressure off to be honest. To have a van to live in all the time didn’t seem so scary. It quickly becomes the norm to say hey let’s head back to the van instead of back the house, I call them both home.

I got rid of possession but giving things to charity or selling them. It was amazing what I had accumulated over 15 house moved and many rented homes. Pretty much two of everything and again even though it was sad to see things go at times it felt like the shedding of a skin. A dead outgrown layer of me peeled off with clothes that don’t fit anymore or

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